How Did Folgers Stock Start?

Lon before Folgers became a property of J.M Smucker, the P&G, Proctor, and Gamble. acquired it in 1963. After that, in 1965, the federal trade commission of the United States charged P&G with potential antitrust violations.  

They didn’t agree at first but later agreed to not set up a grocery and coffee store. Despite this setback and challenges. P&G’s Folgers soon became the most rated top-selling coffee brand in the United States. 

Like many companies, Folgers start going down and increasing in debt daily. It was either Folgers became a property of J. M Smuckers or went down the drain.

And on a fateful day, on the 6th of November, 2008, J. M Smuckers became the parent of Folgers. J. M Smuckers paid a sum of $ 3 billion to P&G. Not only that, J. M paid for $350 million of Folger’s debts.

Folger’s shareholders were also included in the ease of burden as well. Smuckers paid them a dividend of $5 per share. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime dividend though and since then Folgers has continued to thrive under J. M Smuckers.

Read more to Know More About Folgers Stock.

J. M Smuckers

One can’t mention Folgers without talking about its parent company, J. M Smuckers. This company distributes to famous coffee brands such as Folgers, Dunkin, and Cafe Bustelo.  

No doubt J. M is a big shot in the at-home coffee industry and it boasts a $10 billion market. Every investor will want to invest in this stock.

Smucker is known for its jams and jellies. And the distribution of coffee is the most significant part of the company. 

The retail coffee segment in the United States accounted for 30% of Smucker’s overall sales in fiscal 2021. One can say it’s $2.4 billion out of $8 billion in total revenue. 

After pet food, coffee is the company’s second-largest category. The coffee segment had vigorous growth in fiscal 2021, with sales increasing by 10%.

This happened because of increased at-home coffee consumption. Coffee should continue to create good revenues for Smucker. 

This is thanks to a variety of well-known brands and leadership in the United States. And this makes it a perfect option for investors.

Other Alternatives to J. M Smuckers Stock

It’s worth noting that Smuckers isn’t the option for investors when it comes to investing in coffee stocks. Other options available are;


This company remains the best for consumer goods investors because it produces not only coffee. But also bottled water, sweets, candy, tea, pet food, soups, and condiments. 

With boasting of a 15% increase in 2021 from the Nespresso coffee line alone. Investors can remain confident about Nestle.


Starbucks is in the mouth of even infants and they’re located at almost every corner. Starbucks started on the 30th of March, 1971 and it doesn’t look like they’re going off soon. 

As of the 24th of September, 2021, the company added to its great name, an increase of 35%. With strong stocks such as this, interested investors can be sure of being able to build a strong and long-lasting portfolio.

Farmer Brothers Co

This corporation is exceptional in that it roasts and distributes its coffee. Based in Texas and with over 100 years in the business of producing coffee. Farmer Brothers Co is no doubt an investment one can’t joke with. 


This article has provided basic information on the Folgers stock and its parent company, J.M Smucker. Plus other wonderful and safe coffee stocks one can purchase. Rather than spending money on less important things, keep choosing to invest!

  1. Will coffee stock go up?

Yes, there’s every possibility it’d go up.  By 2025, the Indian coffee market is estimated to increase to $ 2 billion.

  1. Aside from stock, what else can one invest in, in coffee?

Other option for investing in coffee includes exchange-traded funds, futures, and ETFs.

  1. Is the Coffee stock a good option?

Yes, coffee generated 42% of its operating profit in fiscal 2021. Therefore it’s a high-margin business for J.M Smucker and other top coffee companies. 

  1. Is J.M Smucker a buy stock?

Yes, it has a consensus 9 hold ratings. Its average rating is 1.92, gathered from 2 seller ratings, 1 buy, and 9 hold ratings.