Extra Boss Secretary Sports, Navneet Sehgal, said that Animesh Saxena has been suspended with prompt impact.


The state government had coordinated ADM Money and Income, Rajnish Kumar Mishra, to research the occurrence.

The players guaranteed that they were being served half-prepared food which was kept in the latrine because of deficiency of room.

The Directorate of Sports had looked for an answer from the region justice on the episode.

On September 16, the main day of the three-day sub junior young ladies Kabaddi rivalry, the players were served half-prepared rice for lunch, when the players brought up issues about the half-cooked rice, the concoct picked the rice layer and put it in the latrine.

Inside the latrine, some ‘pooris’ were tracked down lying on a piece of paper on the floor. Aside from this, numerous players needed to eat just vegetables and mixed greens for lunch.