But along with a pricing scheme straight out of the Ubisoft playbook, Epic Games is also giving early-access players the option to buy VBucks – digital currency to spend on…..what else? Pinata llamas that have sweet, sweet loot inside.

Most of these exploding llamas are your bog-standard loot boxes with a new, llama-shaped finish. But players have already found some seemingly amazing daily deals, like the Legendary Troll Loot Truck.

Is the Legendary Troll Loot Truck Worth It?

Honestly, that’s up to you.

The Legendary Troll Loot Truck (Llama) was 1500 VBucks when it debuted in the game on August 8, and contains 20 random items. Since Epic Games is selling 1000 VBucks for $9.99 (US), each Loot Truck is about $15 – unless you spent a load of cash and got some more VBucks as a bonus. (You can also earn VBucks just by playing the game, so you might be able to afford the Loot Truck the next time it comes up without spending a dime of real money.)

Everything in the Loot Truck is based on RNG, with some heavy skewing towards Legendary Heroes, Survivors, Leads, Defenders, and Weapons for a few of the 20 items, as well as a chance to get a Mythic version of the above. There’s no way to predict if you’ll open up the Truck and find a Mythic version of the class you want to play, or a bunch of Legendary Survivors you don’t really need, or a Legendary weapon you don’t like – not to mention the collection of Epic and Rare loot that pales in comparison to the Legendary items.

If you’ve earned 1500 VBucks in-game, or you’ve already spent the cash to get VBucks, then buying the Legendary Troll Loot Truck is probably worth it. The amount of items and the heavy skewing towards Legendaries will likely make the Loot Truck a better buy than a bunch of lower-cost Llamas.

If, however, you’re still on the fence and haven’t spent any extra cash, I’d recommend you keep your credit card where it is. There’s every possibility that you’ll earn the VBucks to buy the Loot Truck by the time it comes around again – and while you wait, you can have fun, y’know, playing the game.

Want some more info about Fortnite? Check out our review, a guide to the game’s skill trees, and our base-building guide.