There’s plenty of new looks to acquire, and they’re right here for your viewing pleasure.

The main attraction of all the new choices is the Wild Cards skin, the one featuring the suited figure with a spade on its mask. Epic Games have used this skin to help promote their new High Stakes game mode, which also released with the update. When players acquire this skin they can change the card suit on the mask to any of the four found in a standard playing card deck. 

There’s no clear theme surrounding these newly released skins, as many of them come from different inspirations. This includes the new glider, pick-ax, and back cosmetics. 

They all have a complimenting skin, ensuring you’ll always find something to go with your snazzy new outfit. As season 5 draws to a close, Epic Games will likely shift its focus to the next season as they work on a new slew of skins, cosmetics, and game modes to keep Fortnite feeling exciting for everyone to continue enjoying.

For more news about Fortnite, keep it here at Gameskinny.

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