Omar Mejia Ortiz, 33, Valerie Celeste Salcedo Mena, 26, Brandon Mauricio Araya, 20, and Steve Eduardo Sanchez Araya, likewise 20, were undeniably captured Thursday by Lee Province Sheriff representatives on charges of thievery of a vacant construction during a highly sensitive situation, correctional facilities records show.

Brandon Araya and Steve Araya, as well as Valerie Mena, were likewise accused of amazing theft. Ortiz was hit with a petit burglary charge.

The four were captured a day prior to a video arose of five people sitting cuffed for stealing from in a crushed part of Post Myers, however it’s hazy in the event that any of the four suspects accused of plundering are in the video.

Lee Province Sheriff’s Office Florida authorities, including Gov. Ron DeSantis, have cautioned against stripping void homes and organizations following the Class 4 tempest that caused billions of dollars in penalties.

“Don’t even for one second consider plundering. Don’t even for one second consider exploiting individuals in this weak circumstance. Thus nearby policing engaged with observing that,” DeSantis said during a Friday news gathering.

Lee Province Sheriff Carmine Marceno recently told would-be thieves they “better reconsider.”

“At the point when I say zero resistance, zero resilience implies we will chase you down, find you, and you will imprison. Assuming that you’re fortunate,” he said.

Looting and lawlessness will not be tolerated.

— Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) October 1, 2022

The four blamed thieves were undeniably let out of prison on Saturday subsequent to posting $35,000 bond, prison records show.

The loss of life keeps on moving from the rebuffing winds and weighty precipitation Storm Ian brought the week before.