Ready to ditch your cabin fever? The FOX Weather app has released a brand new refresh for spring. The popular iOS weather app brings 24/7 coverage to users across the U.S – this update brings new features and improves some of the existing ones, too. 

What’s new on the FOX Weather app:

  • Unlike before, your weather data is front and center on the app home screen. You can search forecasts by hourly, 14-day, or historical data;
  • There’s a search button at the top of the screen to more easily find locations and add new ones;
  • The locations feature lets you preview a location before adding to your list permanently;
  • The weather icons are larger and easier to read. There are also new graphics across your saved locations

The 3D radar on iOS and iPad is still available to view the inside of a storm with high-resolution views. This feature is neat, as you can watch the storm play at your own pace in a 90-minute timeline.

As climatological spring is here and people are itching to get outside, weather apps are of high desire right now. What weather app(s) do you use on iOS? What features are important to you?

Image Source: FOX Weather