Frank Reagan (Tom Selleck) of Blue Bloods leads the Reagan family in most everything they do. He is the patriarch and the Police Commissioner of New York City. He’s been through plenty and has the wisdom and insight to show for it. It’s no wonder his family, his officers and fellow New Yorkers look to him for guidance and advice. Frank is direct and honest; he’ll come through for you, but he won’t hesitate to call you out when you’re wrong. He can also go from serious to lighthearted in a split second to resolve conflict (and make us laugh while doing so). So, without further ado, here are 10 of Frank’s most thought-provoking quotes for your consideration.

“I’m the Police Commissioner. I hear things.”

If something’s going on in New York City, there’s only a one percent chance that Frank hasn’t heard about it. Frank’s connected and he keeps tabs on pretty much everything that goes down, especially when it concerns his family or his officers. Frank’s sworn by a sense of duty to the NYPD and a die-hard dedication to the Reagan family. Sometimes it annoys his family when he knows things about them that they weren’t ready to discuss yet but he’s really just looking out for their best interests. Don’t we all have a Frank Reagan in our lives watching out for us somehow?

“Only a fool seeks peace by inciting violence.”

Too many people seek revenge or lead protests that begin peacefully but end violently. Frank’s seen his fair share of this kind of thing happen over the years, and part of his job is to address such events.

This quote of his speaks to that knowledge; Frank’s right and he makes an important point. Nothing gets solved with violence, especially in a place as populated as New York where an innocent bystander has a higher potential of getting hurt. Frank’s quote in this instance goes beyond the TV screen and into real life.

“We should be ready to accept whatever outcome we get, but not before we’ve shaken every last tree.”

Frank’s not one to give up. He explores every possible avenue for solutions before he comes to his answer. He takes what he can get and nothing less. His example of fighting for the right thing is an admirable and inspirational one, which is why this quote makes this list. It may not be easy, it may not be immediate, but making sure you’ve tried everything before you settle on your resolution is the best thing you can do to ensure you’re making the right choice. And when you’re Police Commissioner, that’s a pretty important part of the job description.

“Every month or so I try to have one.”

Frank’s response to Garrett’s compliment of “that’s actually a good idea” is just too funny. Only Tom Selleck could deliver such a line and make it funny. As a public figure, Frank is constantly scrutinized by the press, the general public, and even his officers and family on occasion. He’s got to create his own humor somewhere to keep life lighthearted when most of the time it’s serious.

What makes this quote even funnier is the fact that as Police Commissioner, he’s expected to have ideas for just about everything on a dime (especially the kind of ideas where little of the population will protest). Keep an eye on Blue Bloods for more of Frank’s ideas.

“Don’t for a second think that a smart person won’t check out your story. Plan on it.”

Lying, fabricating, exaggerations–they get you nowhere. That’s why liars are practically guaranteed to be caught the second they tell their lie. Sooner or later, someone will catch you. If you’re someone of high importance like Frank Reagan, you better have your story straight and you better make sure you have your facts checked thrice or it’s going to turn into a nasty mess. Save yourself the trouble, be honest, and plan ahead like Frank. You can bet someone will fact-check you, so spare yourself the headaches, and the heartaches.

“Everything worthwhile has a personal cost.”

Going from beat cop to Police Commissioner, Frank’s led a long and no doubt tumultuous journey in law enforcement. Cops don’t have easy lives; they see horrible things and still they hit the ground running.

Frank has undoubtedly made personal sacrifices over the years for the sake of doing what’s right, whether it has to do with his job, his family or both. Really, this quote can be applied to all our lives. We’re all working towards something, and sometimes that means sacrificing free time, money, certain luxuries and many other things to get to where we’re going. Frank has a way of highlighting this universal struggle in this simple yet bold quote.

“Sometimes what you imagine is worse than what’s actually there.”

Isn’t this relatable!? We all spend far too much time freaking out about what’s going to happen, whether it’s a feud with a friend, an incident you fear may cost you your job, or anything else along those lines. Frank’s wisdom in this quote is soothing for a multitude of reasons simply because we’ve all experienced this kind of anxiety: a fear of the unknown, which leads to us conjuring up something in our minds that’s far worse than what actually happens, and then we wonder why we were so scared in the first place. Next time you’re afraid of the unknown, think of Frank Reagan and this quote.

“Pass the potatoes.”

This seems to be Frank’s go-to statement whenever his family brings up difficult questions at their weekly Sunday dinners. Whenever a touchy topic is brought up and his children, grandchildren or father are pressing him about it, Frank offers a smile and asks for the potatoes. In one hilarious instance when Frank uses this quote following a touchy subject regarding a new job for his daughter Erin and she asks what he means regarding a comment he made in passing, he simply says, “it means the potatoes are delicious and I’d like some more.” 

Well played, Frank.

“Right up until nice doesn’t work.”

Garrett’s question of “And you’ll play nice?” is answered with this brilliant quote of Frank’s. The thing is, Frank will be respectful until he’s been pushed too far, then it’s a battle. Unfortunately, nice will only go so far sometimes, especially in Frank’s line of work. Then you have to be blunt and firm to do your job and get your points across. Some people respect that bottom line, and some don’t, it just depends on the situation. Regardless, whether it’s in your professional or personal life and you fear a conflict on the horizon, just play nice until nice doesn’t work anymore (like Frank, you wouldn’t want to let someone walk all over you).

“I’m going to give you the respect you don’t give me.”

Truly, this is one of Frank’s best quotes. So many times in life we are faced with situations in which we must be the bigger person. It’s not always easy, but you feel better for doing it. Being an important public figure, Frank’s got to be the bigger person for the sake of representing the NYPD in a positive and professional manner. In a way, this quote also manages to firmly, yet respectfully, put someone in their place. Frank’s got a special gift for being the bigger person but simultaneously getting his point across. Hopefully someday we’ll master this technique too.

Blue Bloods highlights and centers its most important narrative at the forefront: family. Frank Reagan is the patriarch of the Reagans and leads them in the right directions. He may make mistakes but he’s quick to correct them and his intentions are always pure. Regardless, we love Frank and his quotes (especially since many of them are so thought-provoking).